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Evening Prayer


"Time of Prayer"  Meetings are held every Tuesday evening starting at 7:00 pm.

If you have any questions contact Julia Coon


​To inquire about any of our services


Sunday School


​​To inquire about any of our services


At Immanuel E.M.C we offer many services not only to our church community but to our community at large.
9:30 a.m.     Adult Bible Study
10:30 a.m.   Regular Service with Rev. Tony Geense
10:45 a.m.   Children's Ministry (Sunday School) 
                       (Junior Church ages 4 – 9)
 6:30 p.m       Family Prayer Night           
                            (Every Last Sunday of the month)

9:30 am         Friendship Coffee Break: (Ladies Only)
                      Every 3rd Tuesday Come for a morning of fellowship and gathering together with other ladies                         over a cup of Coffee/Tea and hear interesting people share about hobbies, ministries,                                     experiences etc.  
12:00 Noon   Seniors Fellowship:    Every last Tuesday of the Month
                       Come for a potluck lunch and hear people share about their endeavors/adventures, learn                                from community leaders, Police, Bee Keepers etc. There is a different person to share each                            month and learn from.

7:00 p.m.      "TIME of PRAYER"
6:30 p.m        AWANA Kids Club: Every Wednesday 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm 
                       (Sept. – April)          Ages: 4 – 12 
                      Come for Fun, Games, Learning and join the Grand Prix Race every Spring
10:00 a.m      Community Food Bank
 to noon.        Second and last Thursday of the month
Friday:          Youth Ministry: Designated Friday Nights and any other times they choose
                      Check out our Youth Facebook Page at___________________
                      or contact the church office as to scheduled events)
                      Ages: 12 and up


​To inquire about any of our services


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